About Forest District

Torzym Forest District is one of twenty forest districts of Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Zielona Góra and is located in Lubuskie province and is administered by three communes: Torzym, Sulęcin and Łagów. In the west it borders on Rzepin Forest District (RDSF Szczecin), east on Świebodzin Forest District.

Forest resources

Fresh mixed sylvan (45.7%), fresh mixed forest (22.4%) and fresh sylvan (26.5%) dominate in the structure of settlement types.


Forest unless came to being naturally is planted by foresters. The basic aim of silviculture is preserving and enriching the existing ones (regeneration) and creating new ones (forestation) considering natural conditions and processes. Silviculture takes advantage of achievements in climatology, soil science, botany and plant physiology.

Forest protection

Knowledge on processes occurring in nature and control of forest environment state allow foresters to diagnose early dangers which may negatively affect the forest. Forest protection is one of the basic fields of activity in a forest district. Each year they undertake actions aiming at retaining forest stability and increasing its natural resistance to destructive factors.

Forest use

Usage of forest is taking advantage of its resources - logging, collecting fruits of the forest, plants and their parts to be used in pharmaceutical industry, acquiring pines, exploitation of mines and other. Foresters allow society use the gifts of the forest but in a way assuring its continuity.

Forest management

Organisation of a forest is governed by State Forest Policy. Legitimacy of the policy for each forest district is approved by the Environment Minister.


Around 60% of 618 species of vertebrates in Poland inhabit forests. Civilisation caused the immemorial balance and rules governing forest ecosystems to be weakened. It influences the animals therefore currently their number, ways of nurturing and protection from animal damage is regulated by law both Polish and European.

Supervision over private forests

Lasy prywatne stanowią ok. 17% lasów w Polsce. Ponad 70% starostw powierza leśnikom z Lasów Państwowych prowadzenie nadzoru nad gospodarką leśną w lasach prywatnych.